


Customized training for corporate clients with flexible training modules, formats and language options for corporate clients, combining on-site diagnosis and employee empowerment, helping our clients to achieve continuous improvement goals.


Recent Cases

瑞典商会英文工作环境下的高效沟通培训 Effective Communication in English Training @ SwedCham
2024年3月28日,由遴科咨询与瑞典商会合办的“英文工作环境下的高效沟通”公开课在苏州顺利开展。On Mar. 28, 2024, the Effective Communication in English Training Open Class Training jointly organized by Linke Consulting and the Sweden Chamber of Commerce successfully took place in Suzhou.
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某德国制造企业销售赋能工作坊 Sales Empowerment Workshop
2024年2月1-2日,遴科咨询为某德国知名家族制造企业量身定制的“销售赋能工作坊”在苏州太仓顺利交付。From February 1st to 2nd, 2024, the sales empowerment workshop customized for a well-known German manufacturing company was successfully delivered in Suzhou Taicang.
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某互联网头部企业全面项目管理培训 Project management Training
2024年2月29-3月1日,遴科咨询为某互联网头部企业量身定制的“全面项目培训”在重庆顺利交付。From February 29th to March 1st, 2024, the Project Management Training customized for a leading Internet enterprise was successfully delivered in Chongqing.
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