


Customized training for corporate clients with flexible training modules, formats and language options for corporate clients, combining on-site diagnosis and employee empowerment, helping our clients to achieve continuous improvement goals.


Recent Cases

降本增效环境下的工程师必修财务课 Engineers’ Finance 101 in the Cost-sensitive Environment
2025年1月15日,由遴科咨询与中国美国商会和中国欧盟商会合办的“降本增效环境下的工程师必修财务课“线上培训顺利交付。On January 15, 2025, the online training on Engineers’ Finance 101 in the Cost-sensitive Environment was successfully delivered.
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中国瑞典商会双赢谈判技巧培训 Win-Win Negotiation Skills Training @SwedCham China
2024年12月17日,由遴科咨询与中国瑞典商会联合举办的双赢谈判技巧培训在上海顺利交付。 On Dec. 17, 2024, the Win-Win Negotiation Skills training jointly organized by Linke Consulting and the SwedCham China was successfully delivered in Shanghai.
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浩盾ESG 理念强化和技能提升培训 Concept Enhancement & Skillset Improvement @ Halton
2024年12月6日,遴科咨询为浩盾量身定制的“ESG理念强化和技能提升”培训在上海顺利交付。On Dec 6, 2024, the ESG Concept Enhancement & Skillset Improvement training customized for Halton was successfully delivered in Shanghai.
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