Udemy精益六西格玛课程 Udemy Lean Six Sigma Course
Udemy 是一家开放式的在线教育网站, 名字是由 “you” 加上 “academy” 合成的,意思是 “你的大学”。Udemy的特色在于不仅开放各种课程,更开放了教学的机会。
Udemy is an open online education website. Its name is a combination of “you” and “academy”, which means “your university”. Udemy’s characteristic is not only to provide a variety of courses, but also to provide teaching opportunities.
The Six Sigma series courses lectured by the ASQ Certified Master Black Belt Nadya Liu has been launched on Udemy. Since its launch, it has attracted more than 100 students from over 30 countries. The courses include:
> 中文课程:精益六西格玛黄带培训(含认证)
> 中文课程:精益六西格玛绿带培训(含认证)
> Course in English: Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training (with certification)
> Course in English: Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training (with certification)
Click on the link above to learn more about the course.