双赢谈判技巧 Win-win Negotiation Skills
Course: Win-win Negotiation Skills
时长/Duration: 2 days
语言/Language: CN/EN
• 掌握谈判要点
• 掌握3种不同的谈判方式及技巧
• 掌握公司和买方双赢的谈判策略
• 更加高效、自信地进行谈判
• 谈判要点
◦ 为什么要谈判
◦ 谈判者的两种动机
◦ 谈判者对“赢”的理解
◦ 谈判的基本观点
◦ 三种谈判模式
• 谈判前的准备
◦ BATAN:设定目标
◦ 客户角色分析
◦ 了解客户的购买策略
◦ 让步策略
◦ 准备清单
• 竞争性谈判
◦ 竞争性谈判的特点
◦ 六种谈判核心原则
◦ 两种利已行为
◦ 谈判手法及应对策略
• 合作性谈判
◦ 合作性谈判的特点
◦ 销售与谈判的转换
◦ 五种关键行为
◦ 三种谈判条件的使用
◦ 发掘其它谈判条件的七部曲
• 创意性谈判
◦ 创意性谈判的特点
◦ 客户的要求与需求
◦ 客户职位需求与个人需求分析
◦ 三种有交换价值的谈判条件
◦ 运用创意谈判的三个步骤
• 总结:应用与实践表(可复制、可落地、可执行的谈判行为, 在课程当中多次反复练习使用)
◦ 辅助计划表
◦ 谈判计划表
◦ 应对谈判压力的十项关键行为
In competitive markets, corporates often face the dilemma between excessive concessions and profits maintenance. Many corporates often make excessive concessions and end up unable to maintain profits. Win-win negotiation focus on the negotiation key factors and reasonably position the value of products and services, helping corporates maintain profits without excessive concessions, and ultimately achieve a win-win situation. This course is designed based on real negotiation scenarios, aims to help participants master win-win negotiation skills and strategies, help participants negotiate more efficiently and confidently.
Target Audience
Front-line sales personnel and sales management personnel.
Through this course, participants will be able to:
• Master essentials of negotiation
• Master 3 different negotiation styles and skills
• Master win-win negotiation strategies
• Negotiate more efficiently and confidently
Course Outline
• Essentials of negotiation
◦ Negotiation reasons
◦ Two negotiator motivations
◦ Negotiator's understanding of "winning"
◦ Basic points of negotiation
◦ Three types of negotiation
• Preparation before negotiation
◦ BATAN: set goals
◦ Customer persona analysis
◦ Understand customer's buying strategies
◦ Concession strategies
◦ Prepare a checklist
• Competitive Negotiation
◦ Features of competitive negotiation
◦ Six core principles of negotiation
◦ Two actions beneficial to yourself
◦ Negotiation techniques and coping strategies
• Cooperative Negotiation
◦ Features of cooperative negotiation
◦ Conversion of sales to negotiation
◦ Five key behaviors
◦ Usage of three negotiation conditions
◦ Seven steps to discover other negotiation conditions
• Creative Negotiation
◦ Features of creative negotiation
◦ Customer's requirements and needs
◦ Analysis of customer's job and personal needs
◦ Three negotiation terms with exchange value
◦ Three steps of creative negotiation
• Summary: Application and Practice Forms (replicable, implementable, executable negotiation behavior, repeated practice and use in the course)
◦ Supporting forms
◦ Negotiation forms
◦ Ten key behaviors to cope with negotiation stress