

主要案例 Cases

克恩-里伯斯精益六西格玛赋能项目二期 Kern-Liebers Lean Six Sigma Enablement Program Phase 2


The Lean Six Sigma Enablement Program Phase 2 customized for Kern-Liebers China Business Group has been successfully completed in July 2023.



Compared with traditional Six Sigma training services, our customized service covers the entire chain of enablement including process diagnosis, project selection, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training, project coaching, project evaluation and certification, aiming at helping corporate clients to achieve their strategic goals. The process diagnosis and project selection in the early stage of the project prepared the continuous improvement project to be allocated to each participant in the Green Belt training, which ensures the pertinence and practicality of the training; the training itself combines Lean Six Sigma theoretical knowledge and necessary soft skills to improve the overall competence of participants; continuous coaching after the training helps to ensure the quality of the participants’ projects; and the project evaluation and certification at the end would access the effectiveness the entire service process.



The main process owners from five divisions of Kern-Liebers China Business Group participated in the process diagnosis. Seven management personnel including CEO and CTO participated in the project selection workshop. Eighteen key managers and engineers participated in Green Belt training and project coaching. Currently, the project coaching is still ongoing. Through 8 full days training and 8 coaching sessions, 23 participants successfully passed the final exam, 19 green belt projects have been successfully completed, achieving a total saving of 4.6 million RMB for the company.



We will continue to efficiently empower corporate customers, and help corporate customers continue to practice continuous improvement and achieve their strategic goals.



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